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THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ using HarmonyLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Xml.XPath; static class ModXmlPatcher { // Must be set from outside first, otherwise not much happens public static Dictionary> Conditions = null; // Evaluates one single condition (can be negated) private static bool EvaluateCondition(string condition) { // Try to get optional condition from global dictionary if (Conditions != null && Conditions.TryGetValue(condition, out Func callback)) { // Just call the function // We don't cache anything return callback(); } // Otherwise check if a mod with that name exists // ToDo: maybe do something with ModInfo.version? else if (ModManager.GetMod(condition) != null) { return true; } // Otherwise it's false // Unknown tests too return false; } // Evaluate a comma separated list of conditions // The results are logically `and'ed` together private static bool EvaluateConditions(string conditions, XmlFile xml) { // Ignore if condition is empty or null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditions)) return false; // Split comma separated list (no whitespace allowed yet) if (conditions.StartsWith("xpath:")) { conditions = conditions.Substring(6); foreach (string xpath in conditions.Split(',')) { bool negate = false; List xmlNodeList; if (xpath.StartsWith("!")) { negate = true; xmlNodeList = xml.XmlDoc.XPathSelectElements( xpath.Substring(1)).ToList(); } else { xmlNodeList = xml.XmlDoc.XPathSelectElements(xpath).ToList(); } bool result = true; if (xmlNodeList == null) result = false; if (xmlNodeList.Count == 0) result = false; if (negate) result = !result; if (!result) return false; } } else { foreach (string condition in conditions.Split(',')) { bool result = true; // Try to find version comparator int notpos = condition[0] == '!' ? 1 : 0; int ltpos = condition.IndexOf("<"); int gtpos = condition.IndexOf(">"); int lepos = condition.IndexOf("≤"); int gepos = condition.IndexOf("≥"); int length = condition.Length - notpos; if (ltpos != -1) length = ltpos - notpos; else if (gtpos != -1) length = gtpos - notpos; else if (lepos != -1) length = lepos - notpos; else if (gepos != -1) length = gepos - notpos; string name = condition.Substring(notpos, length); if (length != condition.Length - notpos) { if (ModManager.GetMod(name) is Mod mod) { string version = condition.Substring(notpos + length + 1); Version having = mod.Version; Version testing = Version.Parse(version); if (ltpos != -1) result = having < testing; if (gtpos != -1) result = having > testing; if (lepos != -1) result = having <= testing; if (gepos != -1) result = having >= testing; } else { result = false; } } else if (!EvaluateCondition(name)) { result = false; } if (notpos == 1) result = !result; if (result == false) return false; } } // Something was true return true; } // We need to call into the private function to proceed with XML patching private static readonly MethodInfo MethodSinglePatch = AccessTools.Method(typeof(XmlPatcher), "singlePatch"); // Function to load another XML file and basically call the same PatchXML function again private static bool IncludeAnotherDocument(XmlFile target, XmlFile parent, XElement element, string modName) { bool result = true; foreach (XAttribute attr in element.Attributes()) { // Skip unknown attributes if (attr.Name != "path") continue; // Load path relative to previous XML include string prev = Path.Combine(parent.Directory, parent.Filename); string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(prev), attr.Value); if (File.Exists(path)) { try { string _text = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8) .Replace("@modfolder:", "@modfolder(" + modName + "):"); XmlFile _patchXml; try { _patchXml = new XmlFile(_text, Path.GetDirectoryName(path), Path.GetFileName(path), true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("XML loader: Loading XML patch include '{0}' from mod '{1}' failed.", path, modName); Log.Exception(ex); result = false; continue; } result &= XmlPatcher.PatchXml( target, _patchXml, modName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("XML loader: Patching '" + target.Filename + "' from mod '" + modName + "' failed."); Log.Exception(ex); result = false; } } else { Log.Error("XML loader: Can't find XML include '{0}' from mod '{1}'.", path, modName); } } return result; } // Basically the same function as `XmlPatcher.PatchXml` // Patched to support `include` and `modif` XML elements static int count = 0; public static bool PatchXml(XmlFile xmlFile, XmlFile patchXml, XElement node, string patchName) { bool result = true; count++; ParserStack stack = new ParserStack(); stack.count = count; foreach (XElement child in node.Elements()) { if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (!(child is XElement element)) continue; // Patched to support includes if (child.Name == "include") { // Will do the magic by calling our functions again IncludeAnotherDocument(xmlFile, patchXml, element, patchName); } else if (child.Name == "echo") { foreach (XAttribute attr in child.Attributes()) { if (attr.Name == "log") Log.Out("{1}: {0}", attr.Value, xmlFile.Filename); if (attr.Name == "warn") Log.Warning("{1}: {0}", attr.Value, xmlFile.Filename); if (attr.Name == "error") Log.Error("{1}: {0}", attr.Value, xmlFile.Filename); if (attr.Name != "log" && attr.Name != "warn" && attr.Name != "error") Log.Warning("Echo has no valid name (log, warn or error)"); } } // Otherwise try to apply the patches found in child element else if (!ApplyPatchEntry(xmlFile, patchXml, element, patchName, ref stack)) { IXmlLineInfo lineInfo = (IXmlLineInfo)element; Log.Warning(string.Format("XML patch for \"{0}\" from mod \"{1}\" did not apply: {2} (line {3} at pos {4})", xmlFile.Filename, patchName, element.ToString(), lineInfo.LineNumber, lineInfo.LinePosition)); result = false; } } } return result; } // Flags for consecutive mod-if parsing public struct ParserStack { public int count; public bool IfClauseParsed; public bool PreviousResult; } // Entry point instead of (private) `XmlPatcher.singlePatch` // Implements conditional patching and also allows includes private static bool ApplyPatchEntry(XmlFile _xmlFile, XmlFile _patchXml, XElement _patchElement, string _patchName, ref ParserStack stack) { // Only support root level switch (_patchElement.Name.ToString()) { case "include": // Call out to our include handler return IncludeAnotherDocument(_xmlFile, _patchXml, _patchElement, _patchName); case "modif": // Reset flags first stack.IfClauseParsed = true; stack.PreviousResult = false; // Check if we have true conditions foreach (XAttribute attr in _patchElement.Attributes()) { // Ignore unknown attributes for now if (attr.Name != "condition") { Log.Warning("Ignoring unknown attribute {0}", attr.Name); continue; } // Evaluate one or'ed condition if (EvaluateConditions(attr.Value, _xmlFile)) { stack.PreviousResult = true; return PatchXml(_xmlFile, _patchXml, _patchElement, _patchName); } } // Nothing failed!? return true; case "modelsif": // Check for correct parser state if (!stack.IfClauseParsed) { Log.Error("Found clause out of order"); return false; } // Abort else when last result was true if (stack.PreviousResult) return true; // Check if we have true conditions foreach (XAttribute attr in _patchElement.Attributes()) { // Ignore unknown attributes for now if (attr.Name != "condition") { Log.Warning("Ignoring unknown attribute {0}", attr.Name); continue; } // Evaluate one or'ed condition if (EvaluateConditions(attr.Value, _xmlFile)) { stack.PreviousResult = true; return PatchXml(_xmlFile, _patchXml, _patchElement, _patchName); } } // Nothing failed!? return true; case "modelse": // Reset flags first stack.IfClauseParsed = false; // Abort else when last result was true if (stack.PreviousResult) return true; return PatchXml(_xmlFile, _patchXml, _patchElement, _patchName); default: // Reset flags first stack.IfClauseParsed = false; stack.PreviousResult = true; // Dispatch to original function return (bool)MethodSinglePatch.Invoke(null, new object[] { _xmlFile, _patchElement, _patchName }); } } // Hook into vanilla XML Patcher [HarmonyPatch(typeof(XmlPatcher))] [HarmonyPatch("PatchXml")] public class XmlPatcher_PatchXml { static bool Prefix( ref XmlFile _xmlFile, ref XmlFile _patchXml, ref string _patchName, ref bool __result) { // According to Harmony docs, returning false on a prefix // should skip the original and all other prefixers, but // it seems that it only skips the original. The other // prefixers are still called. The reason for this is // unknown, but could be because the game uses HarmonyX. // Might also be something solved with latest versions, // as the game uses a rather old HarmonyX version (2.2). // To address this we simply "consume" one of the args. if (_patchXml == null) return false; XElement element = _patchXml.XmlDoc.Root; if (element == null) return false; string version = element.GetAttribute("patcher-version"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version)) { // Check if version is too new for us if (int.Parse(version) > 4) return true; } // Call out to static helper function __result = PatchXml( _xmlFile, _patchXml, element, _patchName); // First one wins _patchXml = null; return false; } } } Footer © 2023 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact GitHub Pricing API Training Blog About OcbPinRecipes/Harmony/ModXmlPatcher.cs at master · OCB7D2D/OcbPinRecipes · GitHub